

References: [1](,1.,tasks%20to%20do%20at%20once. ) [2]( ) [3]( ) [4] 14 Principles of Management by Henri Fayol | Simplilearn   [5]   [6]   [7] What is Unity of Command? - Learning Perspectives [8] What is Unity of Command? - Learning Perspectives All You Have to Know about Unity of Command Principle: Benefits and Example (   [9],strength%20and%20focusing%20of%20effort.%22 [10],the%20direction%20of%20one%20


Fayol's Relevance We chose Henri Fayol because his principles are still relevant today. His principles advocate teamwork and working together for the mutual benefit of the business. The Five Functions reveal the need for organisations to plan and be agile in the face of changing market conditions. Fayol was one of the first people to recognise that management is a continuous process. Before human resources management, Fayol wrote about motivating people by inspiring initiative, commanding respect through values, and ensuring that people have the time and training they need to be happy and productive at work.

Esprit de Corps

Esprit de Corps [13] The term ‘esprit de corps’ is a French term which translates to union is strength and team spirit. This principle is all based on unity of strength within an organisation. This principle states that there should be a harmony and mutual understanding between all employees.This allows the organisation to thrive and work more efficiently. At the same time this boosts morale within a company through working as a part of a team. This principle is important for organisations today as it allows companies to operate more efficiently  than individuals  working on an assignment. As well as boosting morale, it increases the amount of socialising an employee has. Example:  Most companies would make use of teamwork to complete tasks and assignments as products are better developed when there is more than one opinion monitoring it.  George


 Initiative [12]   The management science theory initiative says that management should support and encourage employees to take initiatives in an organisation.  This means an eagerness to initiate actions without being asked to do so,  and to suggest improvement in formulation and implementation of strategies. This will help them to increase their motivation and morale.  As Fayol wrote, "At all levels of the organisational ladder, zeal and energy on the part of employees are augmented by initiative." Employees can be encouraged to take initiative with the help of monetary & non-monetary incentives. Aiden

Stability of Tenure of Personnel

Stability of Tenure of Personnel [11] Henri Fayol's principle, "Stability of Tenure of Personnel," advocates for keeping employees in an organisation for extended periods. This principle emphasises numerous advantages:  - Long-tenured employees accrue expertise and specialised knowledge which benefit  company operations and growth. - It reduces costs associated with turnover, such as hiring and training expenses.  - Employees feeling secure in their positions are more motivated, leading to higher job   satisfaction and morale. - Reduced turnover enhances team cohesion, which, in the long term, improves efficiency  and productivity. Fayol warned that constant personnel turnover disrupts organisational  functioning, hinders productivity, and incurs additional costs. However, modern workplaces require a balance between stability and adaptability to accommodate changing business needs and technological advancements. While Fayol's principle remains relevant, it

Scalar Chain

Scalar Chain [10] It is a management principle based on establishing an unbroken line of authority from the highest levels of management on down.  In this model, the person at each management level communicates with only those directly above and below them. The manager at the highest level has the most decision-making power, and responsibility for decisions decreases as one goes down the chain. The system can be circumvented in emergencies and for operational efficiency, when two people at the same level can directly communicate with each other, rather than go through the upper levels that connect them, as long as their supervisors are aware. This exception is called a gangplank.   Organisations employ this principle to ensure that decision-making power remains in the control of high-ranking managers. Aiden


 Order [9] The principle of order relates to resource allocation within an organisation. Managers must budget for human resources, raw materials, machinery, advertising, distribution, and much more. Materials must have “a place appointed for each thing and each thing must be in its appointed place.” Places should also be “suitably arranged” and “well chosen.” This is to avoid “useless handling, lost time, and risk of mistakes. If everything in a factory has a defined place and if they are located there, there will be no delay in production. This will lead to a higher level of productivity and efficiency. Aiden